Michael Arwood
Originally hailing from the bustling metropolis of Kingston, Tennessee (population 5,934), Michael has called Atlanta home for more than a decade. He always knew he was destined to play guitar in a mammalian subclass named jam band, especially when his prior forays into pop punk, Americana, and Argentine Tango didn’t pan out as careers. When he’s not noodling with the opossum pals, Michael enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, running, and cheering on a surprisingly successful Vandy football team.
JT Sparks
Though born and raised in Atlanta, JT cut his teeth playing the blues in New Orleans and southern rock in Dallas, Texas before a career in environmental science and education brought him back home. JT has been plucking out mellow melodies on the bass guitar since he was 10 years old and his bluesy voice mingles magically with the soupy sounds of the opossum pals. When he’s not wrangling the chaos of a high school science classroom, or relaxing by a lake with his wife and dogs, there is no place he’d rather be than jamming out the Marsoupial way.
Alex Carter
Alex was raised by a family of opossums in the southeast region of the country. From his humble beginnings making random noises with various sticks and twigs, he quickly moved on to playing marching drums on a single trash can. By the time he was a mature Marsoupial, Alex had mastered complex patterns of jazz and metal, radiating rhythms that can rile, rock, and even arouse women uncontrollably.
Roy Xiao
Roy has been on a southbound trajectory his whole life, having been born in Connecticut and growing up in Virginia, he now resides in the A. This southbound trajectory also applies to Roy’s spiritual outlook as a Dead again heathen, and his musical career as a former DJ gone analog. When he’s not digging through the trash with his fellow ‘soupials, Roy loves exploring the world with his wife and enjoying all things nerdy.